While reading "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers" by H.D. Thoreau, I was reminded of some great children's books. The series of "Henry" books by D.B. Johnson have to be some of my favorite new stories for children. Johnson takes passages from Thoreau's work, as well as stories from Thoreau's life and retells them in a way that is sweet and simple - yet profound .
The first time I read "Henry Hikes to Fitchburg", the last lines brought tears to my eyes!
Click here to link to Johnson's website, where you can read his books online and view his artwork.
Emily, the interplay of words and images is starting to create a luch, organiz page. The includion of Johnson's images really add a different dimension to your page. I am new to McKuckian and enjoyed her poem as well.
Henry Hikes to Fitchburg will soon find a home in our children's library. Thanks for posting the link. I really enjoyed reading your blog.
Emily, thanks for designing a lovely place to visit. I see books my nephews need.
Also, thank you for posting The Seed Picture.
Stop throwing away your attempts at poetry. Save them and they will make sense someday.
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